We are delighted you have chosen to visit us. Worshipping with the St. Paul’s community is both casual and reverent; there is a sense of awe and wonder about God, but with a sense that you are among friends and family in a welcoming place.
St. Paul’s is now working towards becoming a scent-free environment.
Worship Time – In person Sundays at 10:30am, also available virtually on our YouTube channel (select ‘WATCH’ on the left)
What to expect
We stand for singing, we stand kneel or sit for prayer. You are welcome to participate to the level you are comfortable. Nursing mothers are encouraged to stay.
During the service, we share “The Peace” with a bow “Peace be with you” – symbolic of being at peace with God and others.
What about children?
We offer Sunday School for younger children to attend shortly after the service begins. They return to the service in time for communion when they come together, to the altar rail, and receive communion (or a blessing). After communion, the children return to their parent or guardian for the remainder of the service.
The last Sunday of the month, children remain in the sanctuary with their parents.
Do you have to give money?
You can use the donate button on the left menu to send your offering through Canadahelps.org.
The collection taken up during the service helps to support our mission and ministry but is voluntary. We would appreciate if you gave, but there is no obligation.
What happens after the service?
What to wear
Our members of the congregation wear a wide range of styles, from casual to dressy to national garments.
We have ample parking behind the church.
There’s an accessibility ramp to the front door of the church and a main floor accessible washroom.